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Paol   Piv  i


Paol a Pi  vi’s artis tic pract  ice is div erse an  d enigm atic. Comm  ingling th e fami  liar wit h th  e ali en, Pi  vi oft en wo  rks wi th com  monly identi fiable obje  cts whi ch a  re mod ified t  o introd uce a ne  w sc ale, mate  rial o r col  or, cha llenging th  e audie nce t  o chan ge th  eir po int o  f vie w. Anim  als a re oft  en ca st a  s prota gonists i  n P ivi’s wo  rld. Sh e dr  aws up on thei r perce ived chara  cteristics an d ins  tills the m wi  th hum  an mann erisms.

Untitled (donkey), 2003

Photographic print, aluminium, frame


Untitled (Zebras), 2003
photographic print
54 ½ x 66 ¾ in. (138.4 x 169.5 cm.)


Untitled (Ostriches), 2013



Digital print on 100% cotton paper

19.60 x 27.50 in

49.8 x 69.8 cm

One Love, 2013


Digital print on 100% cotton paper

19.60 x 27.50 in

49.8 x 69.8 cm

white animals.jpg

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